Wednesday 16 August 2017

Gethrforexception Ioexception Marshaling

172 ToolConsole. WriteWarning (SR. GetString (SR. FailedToFetchApplicationInformationFromCatalog, appidOrName, ex. ErrorCode, ex. Mensagem)) 233 ToolConsole. WriteWarning (SR. GetString (SR. CouldnotGetPartitionForApplication, appId, e. ErrorCode, e. Message)) 104 ToolConsole. WriteWarning (SR. GetString (SR. FailedToAbortTransactionWithError, ex. Mensagem)) 467 ToolConsole. WriteWarning (SR. GetString (SR. FailedToLoadConfigForApplicationIgnoring, appInfo. Name, ex. Mensagem)) 106 cadeia ExceptionMessage SR. GetString (SR. TypeResolutionForInterfaceFailed, Ferramenta. Options. ShowGuids. interfaceInfo. Iid. ToString (quotBquot). interfaceInfo. Name, e. InnerException. Mensagem) 183 ToolConsole. WriteWarning (SR. GetString (SR. TypeResolutionForInterfaceFailed, Tool. Options. ShowGuids. interfaceInfo. Iid. ToString (quotBquot ). interfaceInfo. Name, e. InnerException. Mensagem)) 233 ToolConsole. WriteError (SR. GetString (SR. TypeResolutionForInterfaceFailed, Tool. Options. ShowGuids. interfaceInfo. Iid. ToString (quotBquot). interfaceInfo. Name, e. InnerException. Mensagem), quotquot) 235 ToolConsole. WriteWarning (SR. GetString (SR. TypeResolutionForInterfaceFailed, Tool. Options. ShowGuids. InterfaceInfo. Iid. ToString (quotBquot). InterfaceInfo. Name, e. InnerException. Message)) 253 ToolConsole. WriteWarning (SR. GetString (SR. SvcFileParsingFailedWithError, fileName, e. Message)) 58 WriteError (prefixo de mensagem) 95 ex. ErrorCode, ex. Mensagem)) 137 webServer, ex. ErrorCode, ex. Message)) 182 webServer, webDirectory, ex. ErrorCode, ex. Message)) 2214 ValidationError nova ValidationError (ExceptionValidationRule, este, ex. Mensagem. Ex) 1005 AddValidationError (nova ValidationError (regra geral, isto, vue. Mensagem. Vue)) 1240 AddValidationError (nova ValidationError (regra geral, isto, vue. Mensagem. Vue )) 1276 erro ValidationError nova ValidationError (ExceptionValidationRule. Instance, este, ex. Mensagem. ex) 489 throw new ArgumentException (membro, novo InvalidCastException (ComException. Message. hr. Code)) 100 xamlTypeMapper. ThrowExceptionWithLine (e. Message. e. InnerException) 443 if (innerException nula ampamp innerException. Mensagem null) 446 if (innerException. Mensagem String. Empty) 451 sb. Append (innerException. Mensagem) 447 retorno nova XamlParseException (e. Message. lineInfo. LineNumber, lineInfo. LinePosition, baseUri , BaseException) 451 return new XamlParseException (e. Message. BaseException) 412 lançar nova COMException (lexp. Message. CLASSENOTLICENSED) 959 string mensagem t. Mensagem 197 GlobalLog. Print (quotAuthenticationStatequot ValidationHelper. HashString (this) quot :: PreAuthIfNeeded () PreAuthenticate () retornou exceção:. Quot exceção Message) 271 GlobalLog. Print (quotAuthenticationStatequot ValidationHelper. HashString (this) quot :: PreAuthIfNeeded () PreAuthenticate ( ) Retornou exceção: exceção quot. Mensagem) 366 GlobalLog. Print (quotAuthenticationStatequot ValidationHelper. HashString (this) quot :: Update () quot myModule. ToString () quot. Update () (QuotAuthenticationStatequot ValidationHelper. HashString (this) quot :: ClearSession () quot myModule. ToString () exceção quot. Update () detectada: quot exceção) 2436 GlobalLog. Print (quotConnectStreamquot ValidationHelper. HashString (this) quot :: CloseInternal ) ExceptionOnWrite: quot exceção) 2448 GlobalLog. Print (quotConnectStreamquot ValidationHelper. HashString (this) quot :: ResumeClosePart2Wrapper () ignorando exceptionOnWrite: quot exception. Message) 2663 GlobalLog. Print (quotConnectStreamquot ValidationHelper. HashString (this) quot :: CloseInternal () exceptionOnWrite:. Quot exceptionOnWrite mensagem) 2702 GlobalLog. Print (quotConnectStreamquot ValidationHelper. HashString (this) quot :: CloseInternal () chamando CallDone () no exceptionOnWrite: quot exceptionOnWrite Message) 758 if (Logging. On) Logging. PrintWarning (Logging. Web, typeof (HttpDigest), quotReadSuppressExtendedProtectionRegistryValuequot, e Mensagem) 761 if (Logging. On) Logging. PrintWarning (Logging. Web, typeof (.. HttpDigest), quotReadSuppressExtendedProtectionRegistryValuequot, e. Mensagem) 766 if (Logging. On) Logging. PrintWarning (Logging. Web, typeof (HttpDigest), quotReadSuppressExtendedProtectionRegistryValuequot, e. Mensagem) 333 (resultado é Exception ((Exception) resultado). Mensagem. resultar quotltnullgtquot nulo:.. result. ToString ()) 523 (mResult é Exception ((Exception) mResult) Message mResult nula quotltnullgtquot: mResult. ToString ())) 228 e new System. IO. IOException (SR. GetString (SR. netioreadfailure , E. Mensagem), e) 99 se (Logging. On) Logging. PrintError (Logging. Web, e. Mensagem) 146 se (Logging. On) Logging. PrintError (Logging. RequestCache, SR. GetString (SR. netlogcacheobjectandexception, quotCacheProtocolquot this. GetHashCode (). ToString (NumberFormatInfo. InvariantInfo), (e é WebException e. Message. E. ToString ()))) 230 se (Logging. On) Logging. PrintError (Logging. RequestCache, SR. GetString (SR. netlogcacheobjectandexception, () ())))) 386 if (Logging. On) Logging. PrintError (Logging. RequestCache, SR. GetString (SR. netlogcacheobjectandexception, quotCacheProtocolquot this. GetHashCode (). ToString (NumberFormatInfo. InvariantInfo), (e é WebException e. Message. E. ToString ()))) 441 if (Logging. On) Logging. PrintError (Logging. RequestCache, SR. GetString (SR. netlogcacheobjectandexception, quotCacheProtocolquot this. GetHashCode (). ToString (NumberFormatInfo. InvariantInfo), (e é WebException e. Mensagem. E. ToString ()))) 542 if (Logging. On) Logging. PrintError (Logging. RequestCache, SR. GetString (SR. netlogcacheobjectandexception, quotCacheProtocolquot this. GetHashCode (). ToString (NumberFormatInfo. InvariantInfo), (e é WebException e (E-mail) e. ToString ()))) 132 se (Logging. On) Logging. PrintError (Logging. RequestCache, SR. GetString (SR. netlogcachecannotremove, quotWinInetCache. Remove () quot, key, win32Exception. nova IOException (SR. GetString (SR. netcacheretrievefailure, Win32Exception. Message), Win32Exception) 315 if (Logging. On) Logging. PrintError (Logging. RequestCache, SR. GetString (SR. netlogcachelookupfailed, quotWinInetCache. Retrieve () quot, novo Win32Exception () ())) 320 throw new IOException (SR. GetString (SR. netcacheretrievefailure, win32Exception. Mensagem), win32Exception) 465 Logging. PrintWarning (Logging. RequestCache, SR. GetString (SR. netlogcachecreatefailed, new Win32Exception ((int) entry. Error).)) 471 lançar novo IOException (SR. GetString (SR. netcacheretrievefailure, win32Exception. Mensagem), win32Exception) 589 Logging. PrintWarning (Logging. RequestCache, SR. GetString (SR. netlogcacheupdatefailed, quotWinInetCache. Update () quot, entry. Key, novo Win32Exception ((int) entry. Error). IOException (SR. GetString (SR. netcacheretrievefailure, Win32Exception. Message), Win32Exception) 1023 if (Logging. On) Logging. PrintWarning (Logging. RequestCache, SR. GetString (SR. netlogcachedeletefailed, quotWinInetWriteStream. Close () quot, mEntry. Key , New Win32Exception ((int) mEntry. Error).) 1057 if (Logging. On) Logging. PrintError (Logging. RequestCache, SR. GetString (SR. netlogcachecommitfailed, quotWinInetWriteStream. Close () quot, mEntry. Key, new Win32Exception ((int) mEntry. Error).) 1074 throw new IOException (SR. GetString (SR. netcacheretrievefailure, win32Exception. Mensagem), win32Exception) 1091 if (Logging. On) Logging. PrintError (Logging. RequestCache, SR. GetString (SR. netlogcacheupdatefailed, quotWinInetWriteStream. Close (), Chave quot mEntry. Key, novo Win32Exception ((int) mEntry. Error). Mensagem)) 1095 lança nova IOException (SR. GetString (SR. netcacheretrievefailure, win32Exception. Mensagem), win32Exception) 413 Excepção ex new WebException (ex. Exception new WebException (e-mail, e-mail, WebExceptionStatus. ConnectFailure, null) 611 webException new WebException (webException) Mensagem, 838 throw new WebException (webException Mensagem, 1294 mException new WebException (Exceção, exceção de mensagem.) Null, (exceção de WebException)).Status, mFtpWebResponse) 1306 mException new WebException (exceção, exceção de mensagem) 19 GlobalLog. Print (quotHttpListenerException. ctor () quot NativeErrorCode. ToString () quot: quot Message) 24 GlobalLog. Print (. quotHttpListenerException ctor (int) quot NativeErrorCode. ToString () quot: Mensagem quot) 29 GlobalLog. Print (quotHttpListenerException ctor (int) quot NativeErrorCode. ToString () quot:. quot Message) 35 GlobalLog. Print (quotHttpListenerException . Ctor (serializado) quot NativeErrorCode. ToString () quot: quot Mensagem) 3109 if (Logging. On) Logging. Enter (Logging. Web, this, quotAbortquot, (exception null quotquot. (Logging. On) Logging. PrintWarning (Logging. Web, SR. GetString (SR. netcantdetermineosinstalltype, OSInstallTypeRegKey, e. Mensagem)) 775 if (Logging. On) Logging. PrintWarning (Logging. Web, SR. GetString (SR. netcantdetermineosinstalltype, OSInstallTypeRegKey, e. Mensagem)) 869 return exceção. Exceção de retorno de mensagem 871. Mensagem quot (quot ExceptionMessage (exception. InnerException) quot) quot 469 string infoLinha SR. GetString (SR. netlogexception, GetObjectLogHash (obj), método, e. Mensagem) 1286 Logging. PrintInfo (Logging. Web, this, SR. GetString SR. netlogunexpectedexception, ex. Message)) 81 base de retorno. Mensagem 83 retornar base. Mensagem quot quot mEndPoint. ToString () 525 lançar novo IOException (SR. GetString (SR. netioreadfailure, exceção. Mensagem), exceção) 602 throw new IOException (SR. GetString (SR. netiowritefailure, exceção. 811 throw nova IOException (SR. GetString (SR. netioreadfailure, exceção. Mensagem), exceção) 870 throw new IOException (SR. GetString (SR. netioreadfailure , Exceção) 954 throw new IOException (SR. GetString (SR. netiowritefailure, exceção. Mensagem), exceção) 1004 throw new IOException (SR. GetString (SR. netiowritefailure, exceção. New IOException (SR. GetString (SR. netiowritefailure, exceção. Mensagem), exceção) 1155 throw new IOException (SR. GetString (SR. netilowritefailure , Exceção) 1209 throw new IOException (SR. GetString (SR. netiowritefailure, exceção. Mensagem), exceção) 1244 lançar nova IOException (SR. GetString (SR. netiowritefailure, exceção. Mensagem), exceção) 3047 GlobalLog. Print (quotSocketquot ValidationHelper. HashString (this) quot :: ConnectCallback () quot, CleanedUp: quot CleanedUp) 5282 GlobalLog. Print (quotSocketquot ValidationHelper. HashString (this) quot :: AcceptCallback () pegou exceção: quot exceção mensagem quot CleanedUp:. quot CleanedUp) 153 lance nova ArgumentException (SR. GetString (SR. Couldnotcreatefromdefaultvalue , Property. Name, e. Message)) TD. ReceiveTimeout (mensagem de exceção) TD. ReceiveTimeout (exceção. (Por exemplo, Mensagem) 175 TD. ReceiveTimeout (exceção. Mensagem) 231 TD. ReceiveTimeout (exceção. Mensagem) 916 TD. ReceiveTimeout (exceção. Mensagem) 604 throw DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError (new SecurityNegotiationException (exception. Mensagem, 610 SR. GetString (SR. NegotiationFailedIO, IOException. Message), IOException)) 925 lance DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError (nova SecurityNegotiationException (tokenValidationException. Mensagem, 930 lance DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError (nova SecurityNegotiationException (exceção. Mensagem, 936 SR. GetString (SR. NegotiationFailedIO, IOException. Message), IOException)) 1.010 lance DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError (nova SecurityNegotiationException (tokenValidationException. Mensagem, 1023 lance DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError (nova SecurityNegotiationException (tokenValidationException. Mensagem, 33 arremesso DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError (nova SecurityNegotiationException (exceção. Mensagem, 39 SR. GetString (SR. NegotiationFailedIO, IOException. Message), IOException)) DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError 59 throw (nova SecurityNegotiationException (exceção. Mensagem, 65 SR. GetString (SR. NegotiationFailedIO, ioException. Mensagem), IOException)) DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError 36 throw (nova SecurityNegotiationException (exceção. Mensagem, 42 SR. GetString (SR. NegotiationFailedIO, IOException. Message), IOException)) DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError 62 throw (nova SecurityNegotiationException (exceção . mensagem, 68 SR. GetString (SR. NegotiationFailedIO, IOException. Message), IOException)) 140 FaultOnMessage (mensagem, SR. GetString (SR. SFxTransactionDeserializationFailed, e. Message), FaultCodeConstants. Codes. TransactionHeaderMalformed) DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility 192 arremesso. ThrowHelperError (new ProtocolException (e. Message. E)) 180 SR. GetString (SR. UnsupportedBooleanAttribute, TransactionPolicyStrings. OptionalLocal, e. Message))) 230 TD. ReceiveTimeout (e. Message) 1250 TD. ReceiveTimeout (e. Message) 1288 TD. ReceiveTimeout (e. Message) 251 CommunicationObjectAbortedException communicationObjectAbortedException new CommunicationObjectAbortedException (ex. Message. Ex) 290 ex new ProtocolException (ex. Message ex) 293 ex novo CommunicationException (ex. Message. ex) 319 return new CommunicationObjectAbortedException (exceção, exceção de mensagem) 322 return new CommunicationException (exceção, exceção de mensagem) 771 TD. ReceiveTimeout (Por exemplo, Mensagem) 792 TD. ReceiveTimeout (exceção. Mensagem) 217 ​​lançar DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError (new SecurityNegotiationException (exceção. Mensagem, 223 SR. GetString (SR. NegotiationFailedIO, ioException. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError (nova SecurityNegotiationException (exceção. Mensagem, 441 SR. GetString (SR. NegotiationFailedIO, IOException. Message), IOException)) 69 arremesso DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError (System. ServiceModelIntegration. Error. ManifestCreationFailed (strAssemblyManifestFileName, e. Message) ) 112 throw DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError (System. ServiceModelIntegration. Error. ManifestCreationFailed (strAssemblyManifestFileName, e. Mensagem)) 402 lançar DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError (Error. ListenerInitFailed (e. Mensagem)) 283 exceptionInfo. bstrDescription e. Mensagem 391 lance DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError (nova MonikerSyntaxException (SR. GetString (SR. MonikerFailedToDoMexRetrieve, ex. Mensagem))) 395 lance DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError (nova MonikerSyntaxException (SR. GetString (SR. MonikerFailedToDoMexRetrieve, e. Message)) ) 184 exceptionInfo. bstrDescription e. Mensagem 45 retornar novo ReturnMessage (DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError (novo COMException (e. GetBaseException (). Mensagem. Marshal. GetHRForException (e. GetBaseException ())))) msg ​​61 retornar novo ReturnMessage (DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError (new COMException (returnMsg. Exception. GetBaseException (). Mensagem. Marshal. GetHRForException (returnMsg. Exception. GetBaseException ()))), msg) 213 lance DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError (nova MonikerSyntaxException (SR. GetString (SR. TypeLoadForContractTypeIIDFailedWith, typeIID, e. Mensagem))) 246 lance DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError (nova MonikerSyntaxException (SR. GetString (SR. BindingLoadFromConfigFailedWith, bindingType, e. Mensagem))) DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError 300 throw (nova MonikerSyntaxException (SR. GetString (SR. FailedImportOfWsdl, e. Message))) 147 string errorMessage SR. GetString (SR. PolicyExtensionExportError, exportador. GetType (), e. Mensagem) 134 string errorMessage SR. GetString (SR. PolicyExtensionImportError, importador. GetType (), e. Mensagem) 229 methodments. Add (new CodeCommentStatement (SR. GetString (SR. SFxCodeGenWarning, ex. Message))) 1909 string errorMessage SR. GetString (SR. WsdlExtensionBeforeImportError, importador. GetType (). AssemblyNameQualifiedName, e. SR. GetString (SR. WsdlExtensionImportError, importador. GetType (). FullName, e. Mensagem) 1984 return messageException. Mensagem 231 writer. WriteElementString (quotExceptionquot, exception. GetType () ToString () quot:.. Exceção quot Mensagem) 325 writer. WriteElementString (. QuotExceptionquot, exceção Message) 267 SR. GetString (SR. SFxInvalidMessageBodyErrorSerializingParameter, part. Description. Namespace, Part. Description. Name, sx. Mensagem), sx)) 461 part. Description. Namespace, part. Description. Name, e. Mensagem), 469 part. Description. Namespace, part. Description. Name, e. Mensagem), 374 DiagnosticUtility. FailFast (string. Format (CultureInfo. InvariantCulture, quotICallContextInitializer. BeforeInvoke lançou uma exceção do tipo: quot, e. GetType (), e. Mensagem)) 85 fault MessageFault. CreateFault (code, new FaultReason (Mensagem), new ExceptionDetail (erro)) 134 TD. FaultProviderInvoked (handlersi. GetType (). FullName, e. Mensagem) 1079 throw DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperFatal (e-mail) e-mail 1230 throw DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperFatal E) 1461 throw DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperFatal (e. Message. e) 113 TD. CloseTimeout (mensagem e) 153 TD. CloseTimeout (mensagem e) 678 throw DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperFatal (e. ) 40 return new Filter. GetString (SR. SFxErrorDeserializingReplyBodyMore, this. operationName, this. operationName, fe) Mensagem de erro (SR. SFxErrorDeserializingReplyBodyMore, this. operationName, Se. Mensagem), se)) 216 SR. GetString (SR. SFxErrorDeserializingRequestBodyMore, this. operationName, fe. Message), 222 SR. GetString (SR. SFxErrorDeserializingRequestBodyMore, this. operationName, SE. Message), 442 SR. GetString (SR. SFxErrorDeserializingReplyBodyMore , Operação. Nome, Mensagem fe)) 447 SR. GetString (SR. SFxErrorDeserializingReplyBodyMore, operation. Name, Se. Mensagem), se)) 484 SR. GetString (SR. SFxErrorDeserializingRequestBodyMore, operation. Name, Fe. Message ), 490 SR. GetString (SR. SFxErrorDeserializingRequestBodyMore, operation. Name, se. Mensagem), 540 novo Win32Exception (erro). Mensagem))) 211 lance DiagnosticUtility. ExceptionUtility. ThrowHelperError (TransactionBehavior. CreateFault (SR. GetString (SR. SFxTransactionUnmarshalFailed, e. Message), FaultCodeConstants. Codes. TransactionUnmarshalingFailed, false)) 133 SR. GetString (SR. SFxErrorSerializingHeader, messageDescription. MessageName , E)) 311 SR. GetString (SR. SFxErrorSerializingBody, messageDescription. MessageName, e. Mensagem), e)) 29 this. message exceção. Mensagem 395 innerFault MessageFault. CreateFault (código, novo FaultReason (erro. Mensagem. CultureInfo. CurrentCulture), novo ExceptionDetail (erro)) 195 part. Description. Namespace, part. Description. Name, e. Mensagem), 203 part. Description. Namespace, part. Description. Name, e. Mensagem), 299 System. ServiceModel. SR. GetString (System. ServiceModel. SR. SFxInvalidMessageBodyErrorSerializingParameter, replyMessageInfo. ReturnPart. Description. Namespace, replyMessageInfo. ReturnPart. Description. Name, sx. Message), sx)) 387 part. Description. Namespace , Part. Description. Name, e. Mensagem), 395 part. Description. Namespace, part. Description. Name, e. Mensagem), 484 part. Description. Namespace, part. Description. Name, e. Mensagem), 492 part. Description. Namespace, part. Description. Name, e. Mensagem), 630 System. ServiceModel. SR. GetString (System. ServiceModel. SR. SFxInvalidMessageBodyErrorSerializingParameter, part. Description. Namespace, part. Description. Name, sx. Mensagem), sx)) 713 System. ServiceModel. SR. GetString (System. ServiceModel. SR. SFxInvalidMessageBodyErrorSerializingParameter, part. Description. Namespace, part. Description. Name, sx. Mensagem), sx)) 169 div. Add (novo XElement (HtmlPElementName, SR2.GetString (SR2.HelpServerErrorProcessingRequestWithDetails, erro. Mensagem)) ) 183 string errorMessage AppSettings. DisableHtmlErrorPageExceptionHtmlEncoding. erro. Mensagem. HttpUtility. HtmlEncode (erro. Mensagem) 694 xml. WriteElementString (DiagnosticStrings. MessageTag, DiagnosticTrace. XmlEncode (exceção. Message)) 1134 xml. WriteElementString (quotExceptionMessagequot, this. exception. Message) 1.279 lance TransactionException. Create (SR. GetString (SR. TraceSourceBase), e. NewCurrent null Guid. Empty newCurrent. DistributedTxId 269 SR. GetString (SR. InvalidsqlDependencyargument2, depString, e. Message), e) 923 quotnMessagequot sqlExpt. Message 1562 quotnMessagequot sqlExpt. Mensagem 1622 sqlExpt. Mensagem SqlCacheDependencyManager. SQLCUSTOMERRORTABLENOTFOUND) 481 lance nova HttpParseException (e. Mensagem. E, 141 lance nova HttpException (initializeException. Mensagem. InitializeException) 189 lance nova HttpException (topLevelFileCompilationException. Mensagem, 905 mensagem de string (e. InnerException nulo. E. InnerException. Mensagem (Nova) HttpParseException (firstException, firstException, firstException. VirtualPath, 642 throw new HttpException (hostCreationException. Message, 798 string Mensagem e. Mensagem 47 throw new ConfigurationErrorsException (e. ConfigurationErrorsException (e. Message. e, 56 throw new ConfigurationErrorsException (e. Message. e) 476 string mensagem SR. GetString (SR. Invalidstringfrombrowsercaps, e. Message. CapsKey, thiscapsKey) ) 345 throw novo ConfigurationErrorsException (SR. GetString (SR. ErrorloadingXMLfile, fullFilename, e. Mensagem), 113 throw novo ConfigurationErrorsException (ex. Message, 953 throw new ConfigurationErrorsException (SR. GetString (SR. Badmachinekey, e. Message), ElementInformation. PropertiesquotdecryptionKeyquot. Source, ElementInformation. PropertiesquotdecryptionKeyquot. LineNumber) 481 throw new ConfigurationErrorsException (ex. Mensagem e, 64 lançar novo ConfigurationErrorsException (e. Message. e, configFileName, configFileLine) 75 lançar novo ConfigurationErrorsException (e. Message. e, configFileName, configFileLine) 43 lançar novo ConfigurationErrorsException (e. Media. e, providerSettings. ElementInformation. Propertiesquottypequot. Source, providerSettings. ElementInformation. Propertiesquottypequot. LineNumber) 106 SR. GetString (SR. Transformerattributeerror, e. Message), 252 HttpException httpExec new HttpException (por exemplo, e) 849 string msg initialException Mensagem 879 if (initialException. ) 880 string errorMessage HttpUtility. FormatPlainTextAsHtml (initialException. Mensagem) 1009 if (e. Mensagem null ampamp e. Mensagem. Longo gt 0) 1010 sb. Append (quot: quot e. Message) 182 Debug. Trace (quotinternalquot, quotAppDomainFactory :: Create falhou com quot e. GetType (). FullName quot: quot e. Message quotrnquot e. StackTrace) 346 Debug. Trace (quotinternalquot, quotProcessHost :: ctor falhou com quot e. GetType (). FullName quot: quot e. Message quotrnquot e. StackTrace) 386 e. Message, 165 throw new HttpException (erro, mensagem, erro) 377 return base. Mensagem 488 formatterMessage innerException. Message 561 ParserError thisError new ParserError (Mensagem. VirtualPath, line) 1279 if (Mensagem de e-mail null ampamp e. Length gt 0) 1280 title quot: quot HttpUtility. HtmlEncode (mensagem e) 683 error new HttpException (SR. GetString (SR. XSPiniterror, e. Message), e) 695 lançar nova HttpException (InitializationException. Message. InitializationException) 132 string msg ReplaceInsertionStringPlaceholders (exceção. Memória) 212 sb. Append (e. InnerException. Mensagem) 439 exceção Marshal. StringToBSTR (e. Message) 449 quotnMessagequot sqlExpt. Arquivo de mensagem 474, sqlExpt. Number. ToString (CultureInfo. CurrentCulture), sqlExpt. Message), 1360 formatter. AppendLine (WebBaseEvent. FormatResourceStringWithCache (SR. Webeventeventexceptionmessage, ex. Message)) 1368 fields. Add (nova WebEventFieldData (quotExceptionMessagequot, ErrorException. Message. WebEventFieldType. String)) 210 wmiData. exceptionMessage exceção. Mensagem 500 lance nova ConfigurationErrorsException (SR. GetString (SR. Profilecouldnotcreatetype, e. Message), e, pps. ElementInformation. Propertiesquottypequot. Source, pps. ElementInformation. Propertiesquottypequot. LineNumber) 3643 throw new ProviderException (SR. GetString (SR. ADMembershipSecureconnectionnotestablished, E) 203 SR. GetString (SR. ErrorparsingsqlConnectionString, e. Message), e, 2196 throw new HttpException (SR. GetString (SR. Errorparsingsqlpartitionresolverstring, sconfigPartitionResolverType, e. SR. Cannotaddvaluenotcollection, TagName, ex. Message), ex) 2235 throw new HttpException (SR. GetString (SR. Contribuição, SR. GetString (SR. DesignTimeTemplateParserErrorParsingTheme) Quot eot Mensagem e-mail) 266 lançar novo HttpException (SR. GetString (SR. PropertyHadMalformedUrl, attribName, e. Mensagem)) 5331 Util. QuoteJScriptString (HttpUtility. HtmlEncode (e. Mensagem)): 5332 HttpUtility. HtmlEncode (e. Mensagem) 5366 Util. QuoteJScriptString (HttpUtility. HtmlEncode (e. Mensagem)): 5367 HttpUtility. HtmlEncode (e. Mensagem)) 5424 Util. QuoteJScriptString (HttpUtility. HtmlEncode (e. Mensagem)): 5425 HttpUtility. HtmlEncode (e. 208 throw new HttpParseException (e. Message, e., VirtualPath, sourceString, lineNumber) 208 throw new HttpException (SR. GetString (SR. ControlAdaptersTypeNotFound, TagPrefix quot: quot tagName) quot quot cargaException. Media. LoadException) 321 throw new HttpParseException (e. Message. e, 415 throw new HttpParseException (por exemplo, mensagem) ProcessError (ex. Message) 254 ProcessError (SR. GetString 253 parseError new ParserError (hpe. Mensagem. Hpe. VirtualPath, hpe. Line) 256 parseError new ParserError (ex. Mensagem. CurrentVirtualPath, LineNumber) 860 lançar novo HttpParseException (e. E, 286 rowquotErrorInfoMessagequot errorInfo. Mensagem 304 string eMsg errorInfo. Mensagem 473 lançar novo HttpException (SR. GetString (SR. AdRotatorcantopenfile, ID, e. Mensagem)) 584 SR. GetString (SR. AdRotatorparseerror, ID, e. Mensagem), e) 77 titleErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Mensagem) 86 chromeTypeErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Message) 95 directionErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Mensagem) 125 heightErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Mensagem) 156 widthErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Mensagem) 166 hiddenErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Mensagem) 112 allowCloseErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Mensagem) 121 allowConnectErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e . Mensagem) 129 allowHideErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Mensagem) 138 allowMinimizeErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Mensagem) 147 allowZoneChangeErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Mensagem) 156 exportModeErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Mensagem) 164 helpModeErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Mensagem) 171 descriptionErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Mensagem ) 183 titleUrlErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (p. Mensagem) 196 titleIconImageUrlErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Mensagem) 209 catalogIconImageUrlErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Mensagem) 222 helpUrlErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Mensagem) 230 importErrorMessageErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Mensagem) 237 authorizationFilterErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Mensagem) 244 allowEditErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (e. Message) 107 chromeStateErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (mensagem e) 137 zoneIndexErrorMessage CreateErrorMessage (mensagem e) 130 errorMessagesi CreateErrorMessage (por exemplo, mensagem) 161 if (String. IsNullOrEmpty (e. Message)) 162 mensagem quotnnquot e. Mensagem 196 if (String. IsNullOrEmpty (e. Message)) 197 mensagem quotnnquot e. Mensagem 197 DesignerHelpers. ShowError (this. workflowView, DR. GetString (DR. SelectedPrinterIsInvalidErrorMessage) exceção quotnquot. Mensagem) 276 serializationManager. ReportError (nova WorkflowMarkupSerializationException (SR. GetString (SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, obj. GetType (). FullName, e. Mensagem ), E)) 302 serializationManager. ReportError (CreateSerializationError (SR. GetString (SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, obj. GetType (), e. Mensagem), 391 serializationManager. ReportError (new WorkflowMarkupSerializationException (SR. GetString (SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, obj. GetType (). FullName, e. Mensagem), e)) 402 serializationManager. ReportError (CreateSerializationError (SR. GetString (SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, obj. GetType (), e. serializationManager. ReportError (nova WorkflowMarkupSerializationException (SR. GetString (SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, obj. GetType (). FullName, e. Mensagem), e)) 594 serializationManager. ReportError (nova WorkflowMarkupSerializationException (SR. GetString (SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, obj. GetType ().FullName, e. Mensagem), e)) 611 serializationManager. ReportError (nova WorkflowMarkupSerializationException (SR. GetString (SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, obj. GetType (). FullName, e. Mensagem), e)) 694 serializationManager. ReportError (nova WorkflowMarkupSerializationException (SR. GetString ( SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, obj. GetType (). FullName, e. Mensagem), e)) 830 serializationManager. ReportError (nova WorkflowMarkupSerializationException (SR. GetString (SR. ErrorSerializerPropertyGetFailed, novo objeto Message))) 867 serializationManager. ReportError (nova WorkflowMarkupSerializationException ( SR. GetString (SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, obj. GetType (). FullName, e. Mensagem), e)) 932 serializationManager. ReportError (nova WorkflowMarkupSerializationException (SR. GetString (SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, obj. GetType (). FullName, e. mensagem), e)) 969 serializationManager. ReportError (nova WorkflowMarkupSerializationException (SR. GetString (SR. ErrorSerializerPropertyGetFailed, propertyName, ownerType. FullName, e. mensagem))) 1084 serializationManager. ReportError (nova WorkflowMarkupSerializationException (SR. GetString (SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, obj. GetType (). FullName, e. Message ), e)) 1095 serializationManager. ReportError(new WorkflowMarkupSerializationException(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, obj. GetType().FullName, e. Message ), e)) 1636 errorMsg e. Message 1680 serializationManager. ReportError(CreateSerializationError(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorSerializerTypeNotResolvedWithInnerError, new object Message ), e, reader)) 1692 serializationManager. ReportError(CreateSerializationError(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorSerializerTypeNotResolvedWithInnerError, new object Message ), e, reader)) 1729 serializationManager. ReportError(CreateSerializationError(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorSerializerCreateInstanceFailed, e. Message ), reader)) 1750 serializationManager. ReportError(CreateSerializationError(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorSerializerCreateInstanceFailed, type. FullName, e. Message ), reader)) 1852 serializationManager. ReportError(CreateSerializationError(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, obj. GetType().FullName, e. Message ), e, reader)) 1967 serializationManager. ReportError(CreateSerializationError(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorSerializerMemberSetFailed, new object Message ), e, reader)) 2001 serializationManager. ReportError(CreateSerializationError(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorSerializerMemberSetFailed, new object Message ), e, reader)) 2011 serializationManager. ReportError(CreateSerializationError(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorSerializerMemberSetFailed, new object Message ), e, reader)) 2254 serializationManager. ReportError(CreateSerializationError(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorMarkupExtensionDeserializeFailed, attrValue, error. Message ), reader)) 2338 serializationManager. ReportError(CreateSerializationError(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, obj. GetType().FullName, e. Message ), e, reader)) 2638 serializationManager. ReportError(CreateSerializationError(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorSerializerCreateInstanceFailed, this. contentProperty. PropertyType. FullName, e. Message ), reader)) 2655 this. serializationManager. ReportError(new WorkflowMarkupSerializationException(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, this. parentObject. GetType(), e. Message ), e)) 2678 this. serializationManager. ReportError(new WorkflowMarkupSerializationException(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, this. parentObject. GetType(), e. Message ), e)) 2719 this. serializationManager. ReportError(new WorkflowMarkupSerializationException(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, this. parentObject. GetType(), e. Message ), e, contentsi. LineNumber, contentsi. LinePosition)) 2745 this. serializationManager. ReportError(new WorkflowMarkupSerializationException(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, this. parentObject. GetType(), e. Message ), e, contentsi. LineNumber, contentsi. LinePosition)) 2769 this. serializationManager. ReportError(new WorkflowMarkupSerializationException(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, this. parentObject. GetType(), e. Message ), e, contents0.LineNumber, contents0.LinePosition)) 2795 this. serializationManager. ReportError(new WorkflowMarkupSerializationException(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorSerializerThrewException, this. parentObject. GetType(), e. Message ), e, contents0.LineNumber, contents0.LinePosition)) 66 error new ValidationError(SR. GetString(SR. ErrorInvalidIdentifier, propName, e. Message ), ErrorNumbers. ErrorInvalidIdentifier) 586 Debug. WriteLine(string. Format(CultureInfo. CurrentCulture, quotWDE: Failure in DebugController. AttachToConduit: , Call stack: quot, e. Message . e. StackTrace)) 70 errors. Add(new ValidationError(((WorkflowMarkupSerializationException)error). Message . ErrorNumbers. ErrorSerializationError)) 78 errors. Add(new ValidationError(e. Message . ErrorNumbers. ErrorSerializationError)) 241 WorkflowTrace. Host. TraceEvent(TraceEventType. Error, 0, quotTimeout for instance, threw exception quot, ci null. null. ci. State, e. Message ) 247 WorkflowTrace. Host. TraceEvent(TraceEventType. Error, 0, quotTimeout for instance, threw exception quot, ci null. null. ci. State, e. Message ) 340 WorkflowTrace. Host. TraceEvent(TraceEventType. Error, 0, quotTimeout for instance, threw exception quot, ci null. Guid. Empty. ci. InstanceId, e. Message ) 346 WorkflowTrace. Host. TraceEvent(TraceEventType. Error, 0, quotTimeout for instance, threw exception quot, ci null. Guid. Empty. ci. InstanceId, e. Message ) 1135 WorkflowTrace. Runtime. TraceEvent(TraceEventType. Error, 0, quotSqlWorkflowPersistenceService( )Exception thrown while persisting instance: quot, se. Message . serviceInstanceId. ToString()) 1140 PersistenceException pe new PersistenceException(se. Message . se) 1151 WorkflowTrace. Runtime. TraceEvent(TraceEventType. Error, 0, quotSqlWorkflowPersistenceService( ): Exception thrown while persisting instance: quot, e. Message . serviceInstanceId. ToString()) 593 Terminate(e. Message ) 749 WorkflowTrace. Runtime. TraceEvent(TraceEventType. Error, 0, quotWorkflow Runtime: WorkflowExecutor: Fatal exception thrown in the scheduler. Terminating the workflow instance 39 39. Exception: n quot, this. InstanceIdString, e. Message . e. StackTrace) 1120 WorkflowTrace. Runtime. TraceEvent(TraceEventType. Error, 0, quotWorkflow Runtime: WorkflowExecutor: Persist attempt on instance 39 39 threw an exception 39 39 at quot, this. InstanceIdString, e. Message . e. StackTrace) 1130 WorkflowTrace. Runtime. TraceEvent(TraceEventType. Error, 0, quotWorkflow Runtime: WorkflowExecutor: Persist attempt on instance 39 39 threw an exception 39 39 at quot, this. InstanceIdString, e. Message . e. StackTrace) 1131 throw new PersistenceException(e. Message . e) 1503 WorkflowTrace. Runtime. TraceEvent(TraceEventType. Error, 0, quotWorkflow Runtime: WorkflowExecutor: TryUnloading attempt on instance 39 39 threw an exception 39 39 at quot, this. InstanceIdString, e. Message . e. StackTrace) 1606 WorkflowTrace. Runtime. TraceEvent(TraceEventType. Error, 0, quotWorkflow Runtime: WorkflowExecutor: Unload attempt on instance 39 39 threw an exception 39 39 at quot, this. InstanceIdString, e. Message . e. StackTrace) 1654 WorkflowTrace. Runtime. TraceEvent(TraceEventType. Error, 0, quotWorkflow Runtime: WorkflowExecutor: Terminate attempt on instance 39 39 threw an exception 39 39 at quot, this. InstanceIdString, e. Message . e. StackTrace) 1702 WorkflowTrace. Runtime. TraceEvent(TraceEventType. Error, 0, quotWorkflow Runtime: WorkflowExecutor: Persistence attempt at instance 39 39 termination threw an exception. Aborting the instance. The termination event would be raised. The instance would execute from the last persisted point whenever started by the host explicitly. Exception: n quot, this. InstanceIdString, e. Message . e. StackTrace) 1791 WorkflowTrace. Runtime. TraceEvent(TraceEventType. Error, 0, quotWorkflow Runtime: WorkflowExecutor: Abort attempt on instance 39 39 threw an exception 39 39 at quot, this. InstanceIdString, e. Message . e. StackTrace) 1905 WorkflowTrace. Runtime. TraceEvent(TraceEventType. Error, 0, quotWorkflow Runtime: WorkflowExecutor: Suspend attempt on instance 39 39 threw an exception 39 39 at quot, this. InstanceIdString, e. Message . e. StackTrace) 2016 WorkflowTrace. Runtime. TraceEvent(TraceEventType. Error, 0, quotWorkflow Runtime: WorkflowExecutor: Resume attempt on instance 39 39 threw an exception 39 39 at quot, this. InstanceIdString, e. Message . e. StackTrace) 2733 WorkflowTrace. Runtime. TraceEvent(TraceEventType. Error, 0, quotWorkflow Runtime: WorkflowExecutor: dynamic update attempt from outside on instance 39 39 threw an exception 39 39 at quot, this. InstanceIdString, e. Message . e. StackTrace) 3200 expMessage exp. Message 3202 expMessage expMessage quot quot exp. Message 49 messageFault MessageFault. CreateFault(code, new FaultReason(toTrace. Message ), new ExceptionDetail(toTrace)) 216 DesignerHelpers. ShowMessage(serviceProvider, exception. Message . DR. GetString(DR. WorkflowDesignerTitle), MessageBoxButtons. OK, 89 DesignerHelpers. ShowMessage(serviceProvider, e. Message . DR. GetString(DR. WorkflowDesignerTitle), MessageBoxButtons. OK, 562 workflowInstanceId, qualifiedName, e. InnerException. Message ) 570 workflowInstanceId, qualifiedName, e. Message ) 296 errors. Add(new ValidationError(((WorkflowMarkupSerializationException) error). Message . 1)) 311 errors. Add(new ValidationError(e. Message . 1)) 851 throw new XmlException(e. Message . e) 2505 Throw( new XmlException( e. Message . (Exception)null, lineNo, linePos, ps. baseUriStr ) ) 7135 innerMessage e. Message 4776 innerMessage e. Message 485 throw new XmlSchemaException(Res. SchInvalidValueDetailed, new string Message , exception, null, 0, 0, null) 499 throw new XmlSchemaException(Res. SchInvalidValueDetailed, new string Message , exception, null, 0, 0, null) 307 throw new XmlSchemaException(Res. SchPatternFacetInvalid, new string Message , e, patternfacet. SourceUri, patternfacet. LineNumber, patternfacet. LinePosition, patternfacet) 556 throw new XmlSchemaException(code, new string Message . ex, facet. SourceUri, facet. LineNumber, facet. LinePosition, facet) 482 SendValidationEvent(Res. SchAttributeValueDataTypeDetailed, new string Message , exception, schema) 1638 SendValidationEvent(Res. SchInvalidAnyDetailed, new string Message , fe, particle) 1672 SendValidationEvent(Res. SchInvalidAnyDetailed, new string Message , fe, anyAttribute) 1730 SendValidationEvent(Res. SchInvalidAttribute, new string Message , fx, xso) 1378 SendValidationEvent(Res. SchInvalidIdAttribute, ex. Message . xso) 1410 SendValidationEvent(Res. SchInvalidAttribute, attributeName, ex. Message . xso) 296 SendValidationEvent(Res. SchCannotLoadSchema, new string Message , XmlSeverityType. Warning) 197 return (message null). base. Message . mensagem

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